ID | Name | Runtime Info |
awk 1.3.4
BF | Brain**** |
opt 16.0.6, llc 16.0.6, ld_x64 2.42
Classical brain**** with as many byte-sized cells as there are bytes in the memory limit. |
C | C |
gcc 13
C11 | C11 |
gcc11 13
Clang | Clang |
clang 16.0.6
Clang++ | Clang++ |
clang++ 16.0.6
C++03 | C++03 |
g++ 13
C++11 | C++11 |
g++11 13
C++14 | C++14 |
g++14 13
C++17 | C++17 |
g++17 13
C++20 | C++20 |
g++20 13
D | D |
dmd 2.107.0
GAS32 | Assembly (x86) |
as_x86 2.42, ld_x86 2.42
GAS64 | Assembly (x64) |
as_x64 2.42, ld_x64 2.42
GO | Go |
go 1.21.7
HASK | Haskell |
ghc 9.4.7
JAVA | Java |
javac 19.0.2
JAVA8 | Java 8 |
javac 1.8.0
C# | C# |
csc, mono
F# | F# |
fsharpc, mono
VB | Visual Basic |
vbnc, mono
nasm 2.16.1, ld_x86 2.42
NASM64 | NASM64 |
nasm 2.16.1, ld_x64 2.42
OCAML | OCaml |
ocaml 5.0.0
PAS | Pascal |
fpc 3.2.2
PERL | Perl |
perl 5.38.2
PY2 | Python 2 |
python 2.7.18
PY3 | Python 3 |
python3 3.11.8
PYPY2 | PyPy 2 |
pypy 7.3.15, implementing python 2.7.18
PYPY3 | PyPy 3 |
pypy3 7.3.15, implementing python 3.10.13
RKT | Racket |
racket 8.10
RUBY | Ruby |
ruby 3.1.2
RUST | Rust |
rustc 1.76.0
SCALA | Scala |
scalac 2.11.12, java 19.0.2
SCM | Scheme |
csc 5.3.0
SED | Sed |
sed 4.9
TEXT | Text |
cat 9.4
V8JS | V8 JavaScript |
v8dmoj 9.3.345.19
This is a custom version of V8 that adds six functions in order to perform I/O and aid in online judging.