Week 9 Geometry
Topic: Geometry Problems
Be careful with overflow and underflow, and special cases.
2 Solutions: C
3 Solutions: B
5 solutions: A
7 solutions: A+
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users |
Convex Polygon Area | 1 | 22.3% | 71 |
Platforme | 1 | 43.9% | 73 |
Ornaments | 1 | 67.0% | 60 |
Imperfect GPS | 1 | 33.9% | 37 |
Billiard | 1 | 83.1% | 47 |
Logo 2 | 1 | 12.4% | 12 |
Cutting Corners | 1 | 44.2% | 21 |
Robert Hood | 1 | 22.2% | 19 |