Week 5 Graphs
Week 5 Contest:
Topic: Graphs
Be careful about special cases! Keep the running time in mind.
- 2 Solutions: C
- 3 Solutions: B
- 5 solutions: A
- 7 solutions: A+
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users |
Where's My Internet?? | 1 | 29.7% | 84 |
Getting Gold | 1 | 35.8% | 77 |
Conservation | 1 | 16.3% | 20 |
Coast Length | 1 | 30.4% | 58 |
Nature Reserve | 1 | 16.5% | 38 |
Muddy Hike | 1 | 38.4% | 48 |
Hoppers | 1 | 19.8% | 18 |
Proving Equivalences | 1 | 15.3% | 9 |